Popcorn is one of my favorite foods. It's in my DNA to like popcorn. As a kid, every Sunday night my mom would pop some homemade popcorn on the stove and my whole family would gather around the TV to watch the latest episode of Star Trek. There is nothing better than a warm, salty bowl of this fluffy white stuff... I could do without the Star Trek, though.
It's so easy to make, and you can switch it up for a little variation. Here are just two ways that I like to make it:
Homemade Olive Oil & Sea Salt Popcorn
1/2 cup popcorn kernels
1/4 cup olive oil
Sea Salt
1. Heat the oil in a large pot over medium high heat.
2. Once hot, add in the popcorn and cover.
3. Occasionally shake the pot to keep the kernels at the bottom.
4. Once the popping slows to about once every few seconds, remove from heat.
5. Pour into a large bowl, salt to taste and mix.
Homemade Kettle Corn
1/2 cup popcorn kernels
1/4 cup sunflower oil
1/8 cup baker's sugar (I've found it works really well because it is so fine. You could use regular sugar if that's what you've got on hand)
1. Heat the oil and the sugar in a large pot over medium high heat. STIRRING CONSTANTLY.
2. Once hot, add in the popcorn and cover.
3. Occasionally shake the pot to keep the kernels at the bottom and to keep the sugar from burning.
4. Once the popping has slowed to about once every few seconds, remove from heat.
5. Pour into a large bowl, salt to taste and stir until cooled to keep it from clumping up.