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Licorice Lemonade

I am always on the lookout for good black licorice.  It's one of those things that I like to have in my cupboards for when I need a little something sweet.  I thought up this lemonade in attempts to use up the lemons on our tree and satisfy my love of licorice.  And with the temperature here pushing 110 degrees Fahrenheit, an ice cold glass of anything, really hits the spot!

Lemonade Starter

2 1/2 cups water
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon fresh lemon zest
1 cup fresh lemon juice

1.  Mix water and sugar in a pot over medium high heat until sugar is dissolved and set aside to cool.
2.  Once the water/sugar mixture has cooled, add remaining ingredients, and stir.
3.  Store mixture, covered in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Licorice Lemonade

5 cups water
3 licorice herbal tea bags(I use the Stash Licorice Spice)
Lemonade Starter
lemon slices

1.  Boil 5 cups of water in a pot.
2.  Remove from heat and add tea bags.  Allow to steep for 3-5 minutes.
3.  Discard tea bags and chill.
4.  Once it has chilled, add the Lemonade Starter and desired amount of ice.  
5.  Garnish with lemon slices.


Heather said…
This is such a good idea! I'm always amazed at people who can just whip up a recipe on their own! I'm all about copying other peoples, but I don't have faith in my own creations! haha.... So you are my HERO for this little creation!! My all time favorite candy (hands down!) is black licorice. I love the strong flavored kind, you know the really chewy variety from Australia.

I seriously can't wait to try this! You rock!
Debra said…
Your licorice Lemonade looks delicious and refreshing:) I would love to make this. Thanks for sharing your recipes.
Elise, I was lucky to get to sample this for you, and it was delish!!!!!

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